Careful planning is required when attempting to move a promising drug candidate to first-in-human (FIH) trials. Both safety and the cost effectiveness of the new drug must be taken into account. Something easy to formulate in the short term, such as an oral solution, may actually cost more in the long term meaning more appropriate formulations should be explored in the early stages with commercialisation in mind. Adopting an integrated approach, where many stages of early phase development are conducted by the same contractor, can reduce risk of delays and minimise unnecessary costs further down the line.

Outsourcing to third parties allows drug companies to save time and costs, although downsides exist.

In this article with European Pharmaceutical Contractor, Dr. Torkel Gren, General Manager at Recipharm Pharmaceutical Development and Anders Millerhovf, CEO of Clinical Trial Consultants, discusses the benefits of using an integrated solution during early phase development.

Read the full article here