
Time: 4pm CET / 10am EST

Join us as we tackle key trends and dynamics of the API manufacturing sector in just 60 minutes.

The global market for the outlook and manufacture of APIs is shifting as more complex or potent ingredients evolve which present specific handling and manufacturing challenges.

Key Discussion Points
  • Market Outlook for APIs (Market sizing, geography of API manufacturing)
  • Trends and shifts in manufacturing hubs. Can we expect a reshoring of API manufacturing? Will hubs shift from Asia?
  • Continuous API manufacturing –for cost, quality and safety benefits
  • Manufacturing considerations for complex formulations and high potency APIs, what are the latest approaches?
  • Investment and deal making
  • Impact of COVID-19


  • Molly Bowman, Editorial Director, Clarivate Analytics
  • Stuart E. Needleman, Chief Commercial Officer, Piramal Pharma Solutions
  • Gianluca Franguelli, Vice President Global Drug Substance Development, Recipharm

To sign up or for more information visit here.