Accelerating process development and technology transfers

ReciPredict is a platform that combines statistical modelling and simulation which facilitates QbD in product development, tech transfer and manufacture of drug products in the most efficient and reliable way. 

ReciPredict enables data driven, informed decisions by applying data science and digital technology to develop and manufacture drug products promising to deliver unparalleled efficiency and reliability by streamlining your product development cycle, from initial formulation through to manufacturing.

Statistical modelling to streamline every aspect of drug development

Combining statistical modelling and simulation, ReciPredict facilitates product development, technology transfer and manufacture of drug products in the most efficient and reliable way. ReciPredict enables data driven, informed decisions by applying data science and digital technology to develop and manufacture drug products.

With ReciPredict we can create statistical models that can connect critical process parameters and critical material attributes with critical drug product quality attributes to fully understand your product and accurately predict how it will behave before carrying out real-world testing and analysis.

Bring your drug to market faster

ReciPredict accelerates the journey of new drugs to the clinical stage by reducing the number of test cycles, substantially expediting the drug development process. It offers cost savings by reducing API consumption, and de-risks technology transfers by identifying the ideal parameters for optimum process robustness, achieving high-quality results, each and every time.  

ReciPredict enables you to:  

  • Fully understand your materials, processes and how they interact
  • Solve complex product development, technology transfer and routine manufacturing problems
  • Streamline the clinical stage by up to 6 months
  • Reduce API and material consumption by up to 70%
  • Minimise risk by optimising formulation and process robustness

Interested in our ReciPredict offering?  

By combining our expert data science and statistics team with a careful selection of tools, such as advanced modelling tools, comprehensive statistical tools, powder characterisation (FT4, Accupyc, BET, and more) and Style One Evo compression and compaction simulator, ReciPredict stands out as a robust and reliable platform, offering unmatched results to transform your drug development journey.  

To find out more, contact an expert today!

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