While oral solid dose (OSD) products may seem obsolete compared with the new generation of biopharmaceutical products, they remain extremely popular.

The challenge for OSD products moving forward will be to maintain their advantage as other dosage forms such as parenteral products.

There are many reasons why OSD forms are still the most widely used dosage form: they are effective; able to extend product lifecycles by implementing extended, controlled, and rapid release formulations; and most importantly, are patient friendly.

However, there are many challenges to overcome when developing these different formulations. One of the key considerations is ensuring the end medication is ‘user-friendly’. Oral formulations are user friendly in the sense that swallowing things is natural to humans and they are familiar. However, it is crucial to ensure that swallowing is not unpleasant for the patient, due to the size, taste, or odour of the product. The challenge for OSD products moving forward will be to maintain their advantage as other dosage forms such as parenteral products. Taking these issues into account is vital for OSD drug developers if they are to maintain their patient-centric advantage over other dosage forms. 

Here, our Vice President Global Development, Maria Lundberg, explains in more detail why innovation in user-friendliness is q vital component when it comes to ensuring user-friendliness for OSD products in an interview with EPM Magazine. 

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