Times have changed. The pharmaceutical contract services landscape is more competitive than ever, with CDMOs continuing to develop their service offering and implementing strategies to help them stand out in the marketplace. The quality of manufacturing is no longer the sole decision-making factor. Being able to offer an integrated service, that includes more than just production, creates the opportunity to strengthen relationships with clients and to remain the only partner from the early phases through to production.

Innovation during drug development is a necessity to remain at the top of the market.

With seven R&D facilities around the world, Recipharm is well positioned to capitalise on this opportunity. In an interview with ActuLabo, Carl-Johan Spak, Executive Vice President Global Technologies, discusses the importance of always offering more to each client in terms of innovation during development and explores the Pathway to Clinic® concept, in which a molecule is taken from proof of concept to first in human trials.

Read the full article in French here:

L’innovation, une valeur ajoutée